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The Spanish Supreme Court has recently ruled the verdict number 1626 / 2008 (case "Roche") and concluded that the activity of manufacturing and sales promotion undertaken by Roche Vitamins, S.A. (RV), a Spanish branch of the Swiss company Roche Vitamins Europe Ltd.  (RVE) constitute a...

A new regulation in Spain for residents who carry out transactions with abroad has been approved and shall be applicable from January 1st, 2013.  Here is a translation of its contents: First rule. Obligation to report. The present regulation is for individuals and legal persons (public or...

You are on the top of the hill…still enjoying your recent slice shot on 18th hole. You are sure it was your cutest banana ball and you told others it was intentional when the ball landed on the green. And now you see a rewarding view of...

The Spanish Cabinet has declared it is urgent to debate and approve a proposed law previously sent to the parliament partially amending the existing Spanish Law of Corporations (including S.A. and S.L. companies). At this stage, these are some of the changes worth to be mentioned: -         ...

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