mortgage Tag

The Cadastral Certification (Certificado Catastral) is an extract from the Land Registry (Oficina del Catastro). It is a report of the property’s physical characteristics. The measurements of the building are described and the borders of the plot.  There is also a description of such property in...

Practically the whole financial sector is subject to trial in front of  the judge in what refers to the controversial “ground clauses, or cláusulas suelo”, that prevented numerous mortgaged Spaniards or Spanish residents to benefit from the strong slope of the interest rates experienced from end of 2008. At...

On July 01-2011 the Spanish Cabinet enacted an executive Decree containing several measures aimed to protect individual home owners against wild bank repossessions. The most important measures are: - Firstly, in order to lessen the harmful impact of the economy crisis on the citizens who are...

  Practically the whole financial sector will be subject to trial in front of  the judge in what refers to the controversial “ground clauses, or cláusulas suelo”, that prevented numerous mortgaged Spaniards or Spanish residents to benefit from the strong slope of the interest rates experienced...

Yes you can. In fact, banks are forced by law to provide to their clients such binding offer, listing clearly and unequivocally what are the basic terms of the Loan & mortgage with time enough in advance of the meeting at the Notary. for the...

Spanish bank agent Bancaja Habitat is attracting foreign buyers to its repossessed property stock with 85% loan-to-value mortgages. Bancaja has sold around 40 units in the last three weeks to foreign and domestic buyers, who don’t have to start repaying the mortgage for three years. The reluctance...

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