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Declaring and registering a new building at the Property Registry in Spain is not a legally demandable action since for constructions as well as in general for several other real-estate transactions the rule is of voluntary registration. However, as for the case of registration of...

The answer is no in what refers to the relevant and substantial legal aspects of the Probate. The Spanish Civil Code (Código Civil) indicates that the national Law of each person at the time of their death will be the one legally governing their inheritance....

  (From a recent binding official reply to a formal consultation made to the Spanish Central Tax Office)   The legal arrangement of the Trust is not recognized as such by the Spanish legal system. The Convention of The Hague internationally applicable to the Trust and its recognition...

Yes, on certain circumstances, such as the devious avoidance of funds after the sale, the operation you refer to could be a criminal offence according to the Spanish Penal Code when it could be demonstrated that you, as the debtor, knew, even in an extrajudicial...

A proper and accurate description of the property. Full identification and contact details of buyer and seller. Fully determined price of the sale. Method of payment. Clause about freedom of all charges and liens. Clause about who shall be paying the transfer’s expenses and taxes. Clause about consequences in case of...