Estepona’s judge fined due to inattention and delays on court’s processes.

Estepona’s judge fined due to inattention and delays on court’s processes.

The number of Spanish enterprises entering into Judicial Bodies of Creditors in Bankruptcy (Concursos de Acreedores) descended in AprilEurope Press sources inform that the Spanish General Council of Judicial Authority decided to impose penalties of temporary disqualification for one year and a fine of 1,300 Euros to the Judge of the Court of Civil First Instance and Penal Examining number 4 of Estepona (Malaga), Ms. Alicia Ruiz Ortiz, due to inattention and non justifiable delays in her court.  The Disciplinary Commission of the entity of control of the judges submitted this proposal to the Plenary session, that yesterday punished the judge for a very serious breach of article 417,9 of the Statutory law of Judicial Authority , that punishes the reiterated inattention and non justifiable delays in the transaction and resolution of the procedures.

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