Spanish Residence Permit

You will need to fulfill the following requisites a) You are not a non-regular resident in Spain b) You are not having criminal antecedents neither in Spain, nor in the Countries of previous residence in the last 5 years. c) You have the sufficient experience on the professional...

No you cannot, as you are entitled to have and enjoy one permanencia in a calendar year. If you ask for a second permanencia in February 2.011 this would mean having two permanencias in the same year. ...

Non EU resident persons can apply for a Spanish residency permit, including long term one, when they have a house in Spain, but apart from that they also need several other requisites, such as proof of financial means (800 € or more per month per...

You should contact one of the following entities (depending on the city you are in Spain): Direccion provincial de Trabajo. Seguridad Social y de Asuntos Sociales. Oficina de Extranjeros. They will inform you about what you need (documents) for your particular situation. Finally, you should know...

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