
Practically the whole financial sector is subject to trial in front of  the judge in what refers to the controversial “ground clauses, or cláusulas suelo”, that prevented numerous mortgaged Spaniards or Spanish residents to benefit from the strong slope of the interest rates experienced from end of 2008. At...

The inheritance shall be subject to the Spanish legal system, so that two-thirds of the inheritance will be attributed to his descendants, one of them necessarily divided between the sons/daughters equally and without any charge; and another with the possibility of being freely distributed by...

  Individual taxpayers in Spain pay taxes through the local authorities of their town of residence in Spain. The income tax is calculated by means of applying different percentages depending of net income (profit after deducting expenses of activity) in a year. Each different percentage corresponds...

You will need to fulfill the following requisites a) You are not a non-regular resident in Spain b) You are not having criminal antecedents neither in Spain, nor in the Countries of previous residence in the last 5 years. c) You have the sufficient experience on the professional...

A: This is true, however be careful and be aware of the following particularities:

The law of urban planning of Andalusia (LOUA) does not absolutely prohibit building on undeveloped land, but does establish certain limits to preserve the land adjoining or related to urban development. For this purpose the law focuses on designation or intended use of the building, so that the LOUA authorizes three types of construction on undeveloped land.

Two of these are working buildings and facilities of specific necessity for agricultural, livestock, forestry, hunting or analogous uses for the land, and the third is buildings, structures, works and facilities in which such necessity for the agricultural holding is absent, but where they are expressly provided for in the Municipal General Urban Plan for a special Development Plan; a typical example would be detached houses or villas.

Therefore, it would be necessary that such buildings are not only authorized by the General Plan of Urban Planning, or a special Development Plan, but also that the housing is linked to the agricultural, forestry or livestock-related designation or purpose.