02 Aug [:es]La PENSIÓN COMPENSATORIA en separaciones y divorcios, ¿cómo la contemplan los jueces a día de hoy?
Ups!, there is only a Spanish version up until now (you can change language at the top-right of the screen)...
Ups!, there is only a Spanish version up until now (you can change language at the top-right of the screen)...
Real estate tax exemption in residential leases for tourist use According to a recent consultation with the Spanish Dirección General de Tributos (DGT) carried out by an entity that seeks to acquire four houses and dedicate them to the leasing for tourist use, considering the possibility...
No, you cannot. As a Juridical person (i.e. a Mercantile Company) your company does not have the profile of a consumer according to the law. Consumers or users according to the law are the natural persons who act with a purpose outside their business, commercial...
Ups!, there is only a Spanish version up until now (you can change language at the top-right of the screen)...
Practically the whole financial sector is subject to trial in front of the judge in what refers to the controversial “ground clauses, or cláusulas suelo”, that prevented numerous mortgaged Spaniards or Spanish residents to benefit from the strong slope of the interest rates experienced from end of 2008. At...
The obtainment of a capital gain as a result of the sale of a property constitutes an income subject to taxation. This income is understood to accrue when the capital change occurs. In general, the gain will be determined as the difference between the transfer and...
El Pleno del Tribunal Constitucional ha acordado por unanimidad declarar la inconstitucionalidad y nulidad de los arts. 107.1, 107.2 a) y 110.4 del texto refundido de la Ley Reguladora de las Haciendas Locales, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 2/2004, de 5 de marzo. El...