27 Jan [:es]Resumen de la Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para 2010
Ups!, there is only a Spanish version up until now (you can change language at the top-right of the screen)...
Ups!, there is only a Spanish version up until now (you can change language at the top-right of the screen)...
New Coefficients to update the acquisition value of Spanish Real Estate assets. For the transfers of real estate (not linked to economic activities) that take place during year 2010, the coefficients of update of the value of acquisition of such assets will be the following...
Ups!, there is only a Spanish version up until now (you can change language at the top-right of the screen)...
You should contact one of the following entities (depending on the city you are in Spain): Direccion provincial de Trabajo. Seguridad Social y de Asuntos Sociales. Oficina de Extranjeros. They will inform you about what you need (documents) for your particular situation. Finally, you should know...
In order that any non Spanish national becomes a Spanish national they must reside in Spain for a period of ten years minimum (there are a few exceptions like oficial refugees or nationals of Spanish South America, Andorra, Philippines, Republic of Equatorial Guiena, Portugal, Sephardies…all...
In Spain “Escritura” or “Escritura Pública” means Deed or legal written document signed, sealed, witnessed and recorded by a notary public. A Deed related to any form of real estate transaction is normally submitted to the Land Registry for its registration....
Non-resident individuals owning real estate properties in Andalucía, Spain, have the obligation to declare and pay the following taxes every year: Land Rate tax (or I.B.I. ) , yearly payable to the municipality. It is based on the valor catastral (officially rated value) of each property...
IBI, or Impuesto de Bienes Inmuebles, means the municipal real estate tax. This tax is charged annually by the municipality. Every IBI receipt shows the real estate property’s cadastral reference number (important for several other tax declarations) as well as the official assessed value of...
In case you purchase from a non-resident, you are legally obliged to deposit a three per cent of the total declared price with tax authorities in the name of the vendor as a guarantee of his taxes. If this obligation is not accomplished, then the...
There are two taxes and two expenses that must be paid: TAXES A) Transfer tax: In Spanish it is known as Impuesto de Transmisiones Patrimoniales (ITP), and in Andalucía is: 1) 8% for the stretch of the value of the real estate property declared in the...