21 Apr Spain stands amongst the countries that are making less use of part-time job contracts
Part-time employment in Spain rose 1.2 points in September 2009 compared to the same period the year before, while in the EU, the increase stood at 8.0. The greatest increase took place in Ireland with a raise of 3.3 points upward which made this Country reach 21.2% of the employed population. Spain, according to the report stands as the sixth European country having less use of such contracts, followed by Portugal (10%), Poland (8.1%), Hungary (5.9%), Greece (5.8%) and Czech Republic (5.4%). The opposite of Spain placed Italy (14.1 per cent) and France (17%). Holland, with a 48.1% of the total number of part-time employees leads the generalization of this type of occupation with wide gap, followed by Sweden (26.2%), Germany (26.1%) and UK (25.9 per cent).
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