07 Nov [:es]Proyecto de Ley para nuevas hipotecas con novedosos y amplios beneficios para el consumidor
Ups!, there is only a Spanish version up until now (you can change language at the top-right of the screen)...
Ups!, there is only a Spanish version up until now (you can change language at the top-right of the screen)...
Not any more. At least, in principle. When in January 2015 the Regulation (EU) 1215/2012 on the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters within the European Union came into force, In articles 36 and 37 reads the following: <Member State shall be recognised...
In the task of buying a property in Spain the lawyer is your most important team member. It is sensible to ensure that they are on your side and have no financial connection with the estate agent or developer. This can be easier said...
It is anybody who spends 183 days or more in Spain in a calendar year. It will be presumed, except it is demonstrated to the contrary, that you are tax resident if your spouse and children are tax residents even if you spend less than 183...
The official valuations of property in Spain are perfectly predictable. There is even official websites like this one where for example, if you indicate your property’s cadastral value and your municipality, it will tell you what the official valuation is. Obviously every lawyer or estate agent...
Ups!, there is only a Spanish version up until now (you can change language at the top-right of the screen)...
Oops!, there is only a Spanish version up until now (you can change language at the top-right of the screen) ...
Ups!, there is only a Spanish version up until now (you can change language at the top-right of the screen) ...
I am afraid you are not. Even if you pay your taxes. Unless you do it just once or twice...
Ups!, there is only a Spanish version up until now (you can change language at the top-right of the screen) ...