Emilio Pino Lawyers https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html A JUDGMENT OF THE PROVINCIAL COURT OF CADIZ DECLARES ABUSIVE AND NULL AND VOID A COMMISSION AGREEMENT WITH A REAL ESTATE AGENT SIGNED BY A BUYER IN THE VISIT TO THE PROPERTY THAT THE AGENT SHOWED HIM AND RULES THAT THE BUYER IS NOT LINKED TO THAT COMMISSION EVEN BUYING THE PROPERTY. FORM (MODELO) 720 NATIONAL LEGISLATION REQUIRING SPANISH TAX RESIDENTS TO DECLARE THEIR OVERSEAS ASSETS IS CONTRARY TO EU LAW There is no bad debtor if not verified, says the Spanish Supreme Court [:es]El secretario de Estado de Hacienda y Presupuestos, Carlos Ocaña, garantizó que el Gobierno no tomará a corto y medio plazo más medidas tributarias que las ya decididas ni efectuará “grandes cambios” fiscales New coefficients to update the acquisition value of Spanish Real Estate assets Home The Firm Marbella Urban Plan (PGOU) approved leaving the decision on whether to demolish around 500 dwellings to the courts [:es]Resumen de la Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para 2010 El PGOU de Marbella prevé inversiones de 1.823 millones de euros en ocho años Sentencia TSJ de Valencia sobre discriminacion no residentes El Supremo considera abusivas varias cláusulas de tarjetas e hipotecas The Spanish Supreme Court has ordered the annulment of several clauses subscribed with customers by Banco Santander, BBVA, Bankinter and Caja Madrid that were included in contracts for loans, mortgages and credit cards, as these have been considered as “abusive”, “disproportionate” or “confusing”. One-stop shop for Value Added Tax (VAT) in Spain. New EU-adapted legislation for bank business practices in Spain NEW 100% MORTGAGES TO BOOST SPANISH MARKET SPAIN SET FOR POLITICAL BATTLE OVER DEMOLITIONS Main tax-law novelties in Spain for 2010 Transfer tax has been raised to 8 per cent in Andalucía on property values over € 400,000 BUYERS SNAP UP SPANISH 85% MORTGAGES Spain stands amongst the countries that are making less use of part-time job contracts The Group that assigns Internet domains rejects the control of the United Nations New fiscal stimulus initiatives in Spain aimed at the home rehabilitation sector Important new regulations about VAT in Spain Main features of the new regulation for Holiday Rentals in Andalucía, Spain [:es]La abogada general del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea: Canon digital, canon ilegal Spanish new Act about prevention against money-laundering and the financing of terrorism Europe allows you to choose the law applicable to divorce Spanish High Court declares that Spanish Tax Authorities once more applied discriminatory taxation to EU citizens The owner of AIFOS, accused of swindling 626.000 EUR to 30 people, to be judged today AIFOS’s owners acquitted by the Court Estepona’s judge fined due to inattention and delays on court’s processes. New jurisprudence: the Spanish Tax Authorities will not enter into a company’s offices if not authorized by the court. Search trends reflect interest in distressed bargains in Spanish properties Last chance to acquire tax-deductible homes in Spain A judge will put the entire Spanish banking sector on approval about the controversial “ground clauses, or cláusulas suelo” of the mortgages. Justice gives a blow to the banks in the Mortgage foreclosures in Spain Next legal reform about judicial public auctions in Spain Unperturbed by British investors protesting outside, Spanish minister claims property is safe to buy New Law in Spain allows employers to regularize irregular workers without penalties. The Spanish Cabinet has declared it is urgent to debate and approve a proposed law previously sent to the parliament partially amending the existing Spanish Law of Corporations (including S.A. and S.L. companies). Spanish legal reform on Collective Labour Agreements Spain’s new Law about the citizen’s right to interact with courts and tribunals using new technologies How to buy a home in Spain step by step Home On July 01-2011 the Spanish Cabinet enacted an executive Decree containing several measures aimed to protect individual home owners against wild bank repossessions [:es]El Tribunal Supremo condena por publicidad engañosa a promotora-constructora que vendió apartamentos en un bloque de pisos pareciendo que iban a tener vistas. According to an increasing number of court’s judgements, banks must also pay in cases of defective or incomplete bank guarantees being given by real estate developers offered to secure the return of stage payments on failed off-plan property purchases, or even in cases of lack of such guarantees. The new reform of the law in Andalucía extends the period of prescription of the urban illegalities from 4 to 6 years News